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International Committee on Nigeria (ICON)

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America


ICON is a multi-stakeholder nonprofit / NGO working to secure a future for all Nigerians, where rule-of-law, justice, religious freedom and constitutional rights are secured for all Nigerians, regardless of religion, tribe, or location. We connect diverse actors, civic and government leaders, with Western counterparts to partner on behalf of our vision of a diverse, inclusive and prosperous Nigeria.

ICON is committed to providing help to Nigeria. ICON consists of committed Nigerians and other nationalities that are joining forces, resources, and voices in order to help the oppressed and minority groups in Nigeria, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, gender, creed, and social orientations.


ICON’s vision is to create a community where rule of law guides every facet of society interactions in Nigeria. ICON promotes religious freedom, human dignity, rights to live, and the protection of the vulnerable against ethnic/religious persecution.


To build coalitions with other organizations across issues that affect the vulnerable in Nigeria. Create awareness on the underreported crimes committed against those oppressed and minority groups in Nigeria. Provide accurate statistic on killings, persecutions, fault lines and other drivers of violence in Nigeria.


ICON aims to hold the Nigerian government accountable, as there must be accountability of the actions of the Nigerian government. Additionally, ICON desires to restore the image and relationship of the Nigerian government: politicians, police, military, etc.

ICON is actively engaging politicians and civil society in both the USA and in Nigeria to change the narrative from a simple ‘farmer vs herder’ clash into one that encompasses the ethnic, religious, economic, geographic and political conflict. We also desire to drive policy that strengthens the government and citizens, provide programs that will bring about sustainable peace, help to the persecuted and a voice to voiceless.

Contact Information



International Committee On Nigeria, Inc

835 E. Norwich St., Milwaukee, WI 53207


PHONE: (404) 988-0611


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