The Uyghur Human Rights Project has released several new reports this year. They include:
“I Escaped, But Not to Freedom”: Failure to Protect Uyghur Refugees
No Time to Lose: Uyghurs Stuck in the United States Asylum System
The Complicity of Heritage: Cultural Heritage and Genocide in the Uyghur Region
“On the Fringe of Society”: Humanitarian Needs of the At-Risk Uyghur Diaspora
Decolonizing the Discussion of Uyghurs: Recommendations for Journalists and Researchers
You can find links to them on UHRP's website here, alongside various other excellent research works. The Alliance has also posted the above five as downloadable PDFs below. We hope to continue collaborating with the Project to raise awareness around the Uyghur genocide and engender real policy efforts, and we encourage all who see this post to dive into the reports and UHRP's work.
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